Directed by Adam Simon
November 4 – 19, 2022

“The dangerous misconception is that they’re fanged or pale or deformed. That you could identify one at a glance. But the monsters look just like us.”

Both terrifying and riotous, Kate Hamill’s imaginative, gender-bending “feminist revenge fantasy” is like no Dracula you’ve ever seen—exploring the nature of predators and reinventing the story as a smart, disquieting, darkly comic drama.


SAM PARTRIDGE (Dracula) has been acting in Columbus, OH now for close to ten years, he's especially grateful for all the people he's met and the opportunities he's had with Actors' Theatre.

MEGAN LEAR (Renfield) is thrilled to share this experience with so many incredible folks. Much love to Cody, Lily, and Mom.

BETH JOSEPHSEN (Van Helsing) has been with ATC for 14 years in various roles as an actor, director, and staff member. Thanks to Adam for a chance to have fun and enjoy the show! 

DEVON MUSHALKO (Mina Harker) is thrilled to be working with the company's extremely talented cast/crew once again on her second production with ATC. Recent productions have included Hamlet, 1603 (Actors' Theatre) and A Comedy of Errors (Lord Denney's Players at OSU).

OLLIE WARDEN (Jonathan Harker) is a staff member with Actors' Theatre, and performed in Schiller Park this past summer in Queen Margaret (Edward IV/The Cardinal). Other recent credits include Boy (Adam) with Evolution Theatre Company, and Catspaw (Lindy) with Original Productions Theatre. This one goes out to all the amazing English teachers throughout their life that encouraged their love of fantasy, horror, mystery, and monsters. Playing in this nightmare is a dream come true.

TAYLOR NELSON (Lucy Westenra) would like to thank her family and partner for always encouraging her artistic endeavors. She recently worked on stage with CATCO in School Girls: The African Mean Girls as Ama, and Actors’ Theatre in The African Company Presents Richard III as Ann Johnson. She was also seen in the Association of University Women’s #StandUpToSexism campaign, and had an appearance in the indie film Poser at the Tribeca Film Festival. She is excited to share this story of horror, laughter, and killing the patriarchy.

LEO SANTUCCI (Seward) is proud to return to ATC, having last been seen in Schiller Park as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, and last seen at MadLab as Howard Hughes in When Hedy Met Howie. He is an actor-combatant with the SAFD, and semi-competitive swordsperson.

JESSICA HUGHES (Drusilla/Merchant/Miller) most recently played Margaret in Queen Margaret with Actors’ Theatre. She is a lecturer at OSU and the co-producing artistic director of The Sound Company, a theatre that uses performance as a catalyst to a community conversation.

CHRISTINA YOHO (Marilla/Maid) Last time with ATC: A Tale of Two Cities. Next Thing: Uptown Scrooge. Original theater fam: Columbus Parks & Rec. (since 1998). Current one: Good Medicine Productions (since 2017). Also fan of soup, Star Trek, feet, unexpected delight. Has a cat.

Production Team

ADAM SIMON (Director/Set Designer/Managing Director) is very excited to be returning to directing with this incredible cast and crew. There are few greater joys than getting to create art with people you admire and love. If that chance ever comes your way, take it. You won't be sorry. Huge thanks to the best fake kids a fake dad could ask for, and to the most amazing (and very real) wife and partner. You inspire me every day.

SARAH MARIE WILSON (Assistant Director) is jazzed to be assistant directing after appearing in Hamlet, 1603 this summer and Little Women (2019). She is a staff member and social media manager at Actors' Theatre. Follow us @actorstheatrecolumbus!

ERIN FLANAGAN (Stage Manager) is having a blast working with ATC on her second show. Find her reading in a park and say hi.

NIKKI PRICE (Assistant Stage Manager/Lighting Designer) recently graduated from Capital University with a degree in theater studies and was the 2022 recipient of the Bill B. Kennedy & Lauren R. Weed Theatre Prize. They have worked as stage manager, lighting designer, and sound board operator for many productions at Capital University. They are excited to be returning to ATC after spending last summer in the park as a board operator and lighting design intern.

STEVE PUHL JR. (Set Designer/Master Carpenter) is excited to be back in the theater world doing all the fun things!

ALEXANDER NELSON (Build Crew) is a maker, musician, and instrument repair tech in the Columbus area. He has been involved in various aspects of theater from backstage to the orchestra pit. Few things excite him more than a new project to build or make.

CATHERINE RINELLA (Sound Designer/Sound Engineer) is an audio llama that has wandered back to the ATC corral. Cathy is excited to return as sound designer for this production. She is also an audio engineer, board operator, and producer at WCBE 90.5 FM Columbus, and audio masterer for Rusty Quill Podcasts.

EMILY JEU (Costume Designer), the Mother of Dresses, is proud to make her return to ATC with Dracula: A Feminist Revenge Fantasy... She'd like to thank Adam Simon for being her greatest creative inspiration.

NINA MARTIN (Wardrobe Manager/Props Designer/SFX (Blood)/Production Manager/House Manager) is happy to give her fifth season with ATC a bloody start! Big thanks to her amazing Columbus theatre family and her two goofy cats. Enjoy the show!

LEO SANTUCCI (Fight Choreographer) is proud to return to ATC, having last been seen in Schiller Park as Tybalt in Romeo and Juliet, and last seen at MadLab as Howard Hughes in When Hedy Met Howie. He is an actor-combatant with the SAFD, and semi-competitive swordsperson.

BETH JOSEPHSEN (Movement/Intimacy Coach) has been with ATC for 14 years in various roles as an actor, director, and staff member. When not in the park, she takes Shakespeare programming to local schools. Beth would like to thank her husband for his love and support. IG: beth.josephsen

MEGAN LEAR (Producing Director) is thrilled to share this experience with so many incredible folks. Much love to Cody, Lily, and Mom.

PHILIP J. HICKMAN (Artistic Director) is the artistic director of Actors' Theatre. He has been part of ATC since 2010, and directed Queen Margaret this past summer in Schiller Park. Love and gratitude to Mikelle.

House Managers

McLANE NAGY (House Manager) is back in the saddle since the Great Before.

TOM MURDOCK (House Manager) is an actor and artist. He’s happy to be here, and hopes you are, too.

MARGARET WELSH (Assistant House Manager), a 2021 graduate of Ohio Wesleyan University, has enjoyed assistant house managing with Actors' Theatre this past summer and is excited to join ATC again for this production. They hope you enjoy the show!

MITCH WORDEN (Assistant House Manager) is excited to be involved again with Actors' Theatre! He has previously assisted in ushering over the past summer. He hopes you enjoy the show and enjoy the spooky atmosphere!